Cleaning of Teeth (Scaling)
Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease. People routinely clean their own teeth by brushing and interdental cleaning, whereas dental hygienists remove hardened deposits which are not removed by routine cleaning.

Removal of Stains
Scaling and polishing is effective way of removing the stains. It prevents the stains from becoming permanently established on your teeth. One must have his/her teeth scaled (cleaned) by dentist twice a year.


Bleaching of Teeth (Whitening)
To whiten the natural tooth shade, bleaching is suggested. It is a common procedure in cosmetic dentistry, and a number of different techniques are used by dental professionals.

As a person ages, the adult teeth often become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the tooth, as the enamel becomes less porous. Teeth can also become stained by bacterial pigments, foodstuffs and tobacco. Certain antibiotic medications can also cause teeth stains or a reduction in the brilliance of the enamel.

The removal of surface stains make your teeth clean and white and can give you back the confidence to smile.

Treatment for bad smell (Halitosis)
Bad breath or halitosis is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell. Certain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth. Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath.

Regular check-ups will allow your dentist to watch out for any places where plaque is caught between your teeth. Your dental team will be able to clean all those areas that are difficult to reach. They will also be able to show you the best way to clean your teeth and gums, and show you any areas you may be missing, including your tongue.


For more information of the treatment:

• You can meet us at our Centre and discuss with the specialist.

• To fix an appointment, you can call at : +91 181 2239046 | 98159-72725 | 84274-32345

• You can fill the Online Form and Our Specialist will call back to discuss the details with you