A root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. It is part of a naturally occurring space within a tooth that consists of the pulp chamber (within the coronal part of the tooth), the main canal(s), and more intricate anatomical branches that may connect the root canals to each other or to the surface of the root.

This space is filled with a highly vascularized, loose connective tissue, the dental pulp which also provides hot and cold sensory function.

Root canal is also a colloquial term for a dental operation, endodontic therapy, wherein the pulp is cleaned out, the space disinfected and then filled.

Single sitting root canal treatment of teeth is a new advancement in dentistry, which has made RCT painless, less time consuming & cost friendly. In India, single visit RCT has become very common amongst the patients and dentists.

Advantages of single sitting root canal treatment

  • Less traumatic for the patient.
  • Less time consuming.
  • Cost friendly.
  • Immediate sealing of root canals, lateral accessory canals gives prompt healing.
  • Bacteria in completely and tightly sealed dentinal tubules gets killed due to deprivation of nutrition.


For more information of the treatment:

• You can meet us at our Centre and discuss with the specialist.

• To fix an appointment, you can call at : +91 181 2239046 | 98159-72725 | 84274-32345

• You can fill the Online Form and Our Specialist will call back to discuss the details with you